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Drilling in mining is an important process that aims to drill holes in the ground to provide information on the soil profile and subsurface rocks.


Some of the main purposes that justify the use of drilling are: Construction of wells for future water collection, search for oil and natural gas and study, recognition and understanding of the mineral deposit.


This stage, that is, the drilling stage in mining, is of vital importance so that it is possible to draw up a good mining plan for each of the territories that will be explored. And, due to all its essentiality in this field, there is a subdivision of types of survey that aims to optimize research and work.

It is of fundamental importance that those interested in this matter know some of these main aspects. In general, two types of surveys stand out. They are percussion and rotary.


In summary, the first type of sounding occurs when a weight, in free fall, falls on the equipment that is arranged under the rock, aiming to penetrate it. The second type, that is, rotary drilling, is when the rock is drilled by rotational movements that cut it.

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